Democracy is a government system whereby, all the people are eligible state members.
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Democracy is a government system whereby, all the people are eligible state members.

Democracy is a government system whereby, all the people are eligible state members.

Democracy is a government system whereby, all the people are eligible state members.

Abraham Lincoln, the famous US President, while giving his idealist point of view, described democracy as a ‘‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’’. Other systems of government include among others the theocratic and dictatorial governments. Iranian republic, which is a Muslim state, is a good example of a theocratic country. Winston Churchill was a great freedom defender and wartime leader in America and played crucial roles in shaping people’s understanding of statesmanship and an essays During his lifetime he is remembered for his powerful speeches on democracy and the vital role he played in defeat of Adolf Hitler, the famous German dictator. One of his most renowned quote says ‘‘democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.’’ It therefore emerges, as we shall see from this discussion that modern democracy is associated with its challenges and may always comprise the worst government ever.

Which are the bad parts of modern democracy? Just as Winston Churchill noted, a democratic of government can pose serious challenges to some members within the population. It is worth noting that a democratic government derives its powers from a popular vote . In many occasions this has the effect of the majority trampling on the minority’s rights. It is therefore very difficult for the minority to have a way or say in the government.

Another problem associated with modern democracy is that it can be so inefficient and may derail development. If the interests of the majority have been met and satisfied, it is difficult for them to listen to the grievances and suggestions presented to them by the minority group, regardless of how good they are. Since the people’s representatives are the politicians, there is less accountability and responsibility in leadership and in usage of public funds. This will promote corruption and therefore no meaningful development will be achieved.

There is always an inequality in communication as well as delays in reaching to an agreement. The rich and more influential people who are usually the politicians have a quick and easy access to the media and communication tools. Therefore, it is hard for the poor and the weak to be heard in matters of national interests because politicians will always tend to fulfil their personal passions earliest.

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